Film Series Dawson’s Creek Season 2 Episode 22

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Dawson’s Creek Season 2 Episode 22

View: 86 views
IMDB Rating: 43 votes, average 7.0 out of 10

As the WB commercial says… “Children must pay for the sins of their fathers.”

Dawson sees Mr. Potter dealing drugs and he is unsure whether or not to tell Joey or leave things looking good. Mr. Witter has to stake out the Ice House because the Capeside police department believes that Mr. Potter is back to his usual tricks. When the gang is studying in the Ice House, one of Mr. Potter’s customers lights it on fire, making Mr. Witter more suspicious and Dawson’s conflict greater. Gail tells Mitch about her new job offer in Chicago and her discussion to go for it. Pacey becomes depressed and his achievement level decreases, now that Andie is gone, which his father teases him for. Finally Mr. Witter does realize her importance and that he has been a bad father. Jack becomes worried that Jen is suicidal when she doesn’t immediately leave the burning Ice House. But later, Grams and Jen reconcile, causing Jen to move back in taking Jack also.