Three young teens, Jack, Tando and Shelly like to race motorcycles on the road. One night Shelly had an accident. The two companions immediately brought her to the nearest hospital. While waiting for Shelly in care, they met with a Japanese girl who was ushered seeing his best friend, Cakil. But the hospital was not an ordinary hospital. They found many strange and terrible things, so they decided to get out of there. But, they can not go, until they discover a surprise that they never expected
Online Film Evil Nurse 2 (2011)
Silahkan nonton online film Evil Nurse 2 (2011) dengan subtitle bahasa Indonesia di situs Cinema Emas yang asli. Teks terjemahan cuma buat streaming dengan Google Chrome.
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Cinema Emas yang asli tidak menyarankan untuk mengunduh film Evil Nurse 2 (2011). Berdasarkan (UU) No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Ada hukuman pidana bagi pengunjung yang download serta menyimpan file video movie bajakan. tidak bertanggungjawab apabila pengunjung menghadapi dilema berkaitan dengan file sinema Evil Nurse 2 (2011)