After a virus of epic proportions overwhelms the planet—with more infected than uninfected—humanity is losing its grip on survival and its only hope is finding a cure and keeping the infected contained. Lauren, a doctor, arrives in Los Angeles with her crack team to lead the hunt for uncontaminated civilian survivors, but nothing can prepare them for the blood-soaked mayhem they witness as they head into the Californian streets where everything is considered a trap.
Online Film Pandemic (2016)
Silahkan nonton online film Pandemic (2016) dengan subtitle bahasa Indonesia di situs Cinema Emas yang asli. Teks terjemahan cuma buat streaming dengan Google Chrome.
Download Film Pandemic (2016)
Cinema Emas yang asli tidak menyarankan untuk mengunduh film Pandemic (2016). Berdasarkan (UU) No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Ada hukuman pidana bagi pengunjung yang download serta menyimpan file video movie bajakan. tidak bertanggungjawab apabila pengunjung menghadapi dilema berkaitan dengan file sinema Pandemic (2016)