Five teenagers who decided to go on vacation on June 13 before getting preoccupied with their final college assignments. But their beautiful vacation plans turned tense after the car they were driving was involved in a single accident. Gilang, who woke up alone in the car, tried to find his other four friends, but at the same time he received a barrage of terror that terrified him. These terrors made him remember his childhood trauma when he celebrated his birthday which falls on June 13th.
Online Film Tulah 6/13 (2023)
Silahkan nonton online film Tulah 6/13 (2023) dengan subtitle bahasa Indonesia di situs Cinema Emas yang asli. Teks terjemahan cuma buat streaming dengan Google Chrome.
Download Film Tulah 6/13 (2023)
Cinema Emas yang asli tidak menyarankan untuk mengunduh film Tulah 6/13 (2023). Berdasarkan (UU) No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Ada hukuman pidana bagi pengunjung yang download serta menyimpan file video movie bajakan. tidak bertanggungjawab apabila pengunjung menghadapi dilema berkaitan dengan file sinema Tulah 6/13 (2023)